“biomolecular and multimedia technical protocols” testo junkie


“an architecture that transforms inner space into exteriority and the city into interiority and “junkspace ” 32 by means of mechanisms of immediate auto- surveillance and ultrarapid diffusion of information, a con- tinuous mode of desiring and resisting, of consuming and destroying, of evolution and self-destruction.” test junkie
Shall "I" become the laboratory rat?

I would like to understand a body as an entity. How does one define an entity.

I am struggling to find a word for "organism". Organisms can't be independent of capital anymore.
Perception can be alive or dead on a cybernetic planet.
Does that mean death has lost its ability for new beginnings?

It is interesting to see the pandemic as a revelation of the weakness of power in biopolitics.
A Virus, an entity that essentially is a bio-weapon.

Do we need intramolecular forces to construct an entity that can map desire independent from oppression?

reproductive systems work through strictly separate binary systems
what makes an orgaism/entity become agency/user ?
does agency mean generic identity?